
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Now That's Entertainment

What a great anniversary :-)  Nothing monumental, just a nice dinner, time with my other half, well wishes via facebook, cards, and calls (the latter which we got today, phones were off, sorry :-P) from friends and family.
But I know you didn't come hear to hear about our vegan corn dogs (what, we're 5!) and couch canoodling.
You want to know about the bounty.
Specifically, what in the eff do you do with leather? (Year 3 anniversary gift)  Like any intelligent person in the age of social media, I consulted with facebook, twitter and the blog.  I took everyone's thoughts into consideration (LOVED some of the ideas!)  then came up with a brillz (if I do say so myself) thought during one long bike ride (what is it with me and workouts?  I get my best ideas!)
The huz's gift:

Leather = football.  The present?  2 tix to see the Redskins vs. Panthers (our team) on November 4th in Washington DC.  My best friend from high school lives in NOVA, so we'll get to see him, hang out, then go to the game.  Needless to say, he was super psyched!! Can't go wrong with entertainment, especially football to a football player!

And on my end?  Well, the huz broke it out into 3 parts:
  #1.  The dead useful.  A working bike!!  (Leather seat)
 Gears are (mostly) fixed, derailleur hanger installed, and good to go!  He even dealt with the snozzbags at our most snotty bike shop (ugh) so I didn't have to.  Sweet.  Good entertainment for TRIS.

#2:  The sweet:
 A leather folio of my two favorite wedding photos for my office.  Awww.  Now I get to remember what a lucky girl I am 9-5.  As if I could forget :-P  Visual entertainment.

#3 The saucy.....
Yep, that's all you get.  (NO, its not a whip :-P)  More of a gag gift.  But dead hilarious for the laugh entertainment.

We did good :-)  I suppose we'll hang out until year I have 364 days to think about linen and silk....hmmmm :-P

Do you follow the traditional gifts for anniversaries?  Any gifts?  We think its fun!


  1. Dealing with the snooty bike shop is an awesome gift in and of itself! What is it with some bike shops? Do they think being snobby makes people want to shop there?

    1. Ugh, I know! I went in for one piece and they tried to sell me a $3K bike! Yes, that will make me like you. They also talked down to both of us because we are doing a "little" local sprint tri this weekend. *&^&^%$. Down with snobby bike shops!!
