
Monday, July 2, 2012

AquaBike Week 3: Time for some focus on me.....

Wow.  Where has June gone?  As I was sorting out grocery coupons last night and purging all the exp. 6.30 deals (thats what the cool kids do while they watch trash TV, right?) and a few things occurred to me:
1.  I need to weed out coupons before they expire so I don't miss good deals (whatever will we do without 12 more body washes at 75 cents each??)
2.  My USAT is expiring and the damn thing has gone up.  Again.
3.  Musselman is THIS MONTH.
4.  I didn't run for the entire month of June.

Clearly, we see where I lingered on that train of thought.  The last one got me especially....has it really been an entire month without a run?  Wow.  Last time I went run free in June....was before I became a triathlete.  Wowzers.  Not sorry, but just a bit mind boggling for me.  Hopefully the doc has some good news for my Friday (fingers double crossed).
An, of course, Mussel.  Ahh, Mussel.  Things are happening down in Geneva....they posted race numbers (#959 sounds good, right?  A lucky number?)  And the new Mussel poster is out (check it out-what an awesome image).
With the race....13 days would normally be crunch time for training.  My plan called for heavy biking last week (week 3/16) and even heavier biking this week coming up (week 4/17).  How did it go last week?  Let's take a look....

Week 3 (AquaBike) Stats
Swim (yards): 9400 (woah!)
Bike (miles):  135
Water Running:  90 minutes
Elliptical:  30 minutes
Strength:  2 abs, 1 full body (woah, slacker alert!)
Week High:  As odd all as it sounds, either the elliptical or the pool running (shallow water session).  Neither one was taxing cardio wise, but I am finally able to put a bit of pressure/stress on that foot.  Hey, the doc said I could.  Now, lets see if we can't ratchet that up so I can do Sodus next month :-P
Week Low:  Any bike, pick a bike.  I seriously struggled this week with my bike work.  Sore legs?  Too tired?  Work stress?  Life stress?  Not sure.  Pick one, pick em all.  I suspect it was a combo of not enough sleep and life stress.  Eh, it happens.  I'm not proud, but it happens.

This, however, is the week.  Time to fine tune, get those last quality workouts in.  Work can't change.  Life can't change.  But...I will be changin the way I look at it.  Being okay with taking some time for me (the hubster completely supports this).  Drinking enough water.  Trying to get those 8 hours in.  Easy days easy.  hard days hard.  And not letting energy vampires suck the wind outta my sails.  I have to remember...even if this isn't an "A" race...or a B...or C race...that I really want to do the best I can do with what I've go right now.  And I can...if I take care of myself.  Selfish?  mmmm...I dunno.  But really, if you don't look out for you, who will?

Forward, march. (or pedal).

How was your weekend?  Any breakthroughs?  Or are you trying to psych yourself up like I am? :-P


  1. Pool running/elliptical-ing beats no running at all! I'm really happy for you that your foot seems to be on the mend.

    I'm trying to psych myself up to swim half way across (and back) a small local lake next weekend. Unfortunately, I'm terrified of fish and the lake seems to be teeming with them. Sigh. I guess if I ever want to make the leap to being a triathlete I'd better figure out how to deal with the darned fish!

    1. You can do it, Mary! Remember the fishes are more scred of you than you are of them :-P
