
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Marry me (or something like that)

Rewind back to the weekend....after many unsuccessful attempts (sickness, traveling, flat out laziness...take your pick) I FINALLY made our Valentine's day feast!  Better late than never, right?  If you've never had engagement chicken, you really need to try it.  I'm quite sure my credit is not going to the original source, but I first read about this dish in Glamour magazine about 5 years's a roast chicken doctored with lemon and herbs and is really quite simple to make, and supposedly "magic".  Apparently, it's the kind of meal that men associate with "wifey home cookin"" and after you make it for your man, magically, he'll put a ring on it. 
Well, back in '07, I made it for my boyfriend....and went from this:
TO THIS!  In less than a week!
WOW! (Yep, blurry photography and all).  Or...not.  Yes, I made it.  Yes, he proposed.  A month before I made it.  Damn.  Now that we're married, a proposal is slim to none (kinda horse before the cart and all) but, stuff it (har har).  It's a good dish.  We also eat Anniversary chicken on days other than August 8th.  We're wild like that.  Need a man?  Got a man, but no bling?  Just like a good chicken recipe?  Here you go!

Engagement Chicken (adapted from Glamour)
One whole chicken (about 3 lbs)
Two Lemons
2 small onions
Fresh Thyme
Black pepper
Additional Seasonings (optional-I used Adobo, love the flavor)
4 medium potatoes

Rinse the chicken, empty out the cavity.  Slice one lemon into 8ths, place half in the cavity along with one diced onion and half the thyme.
Slice the potatoes into small chunks.  Spray a roasting pan with cooking spray, arrange the chicken in the pan.  Rub under the skin with the remaining half of your first lemon, sprinkle with thyme, pepper, salt and spices.  Arrange the potatoes around the chicken and slice the second onion, arrange around potatoes.  Insert second lemon up the chicken tuckus (yes, that is a technical term in my book) and sprinkle more spices on the potatoes and onions.
Cover with foil and bake at 400 for one hour.  Remove foil, bake for another 45 minutes or until potatoes are soft and juices run clear.  For that extra pretty browned look, broil for 5 minutes...adds crisp, too!  Serves 4, with plenty of leftover chicken for chicken noodle soup!

 Now, I don't know if this'll help get you down the aisle or not, but, whatever, it's a good dinner.  Plus, who can't love something with such a ridiculous name?

Every tried Engagement chicken?  Did it work?  Do you visit a poultry farm every year and subscribe to Glamour in tribute to your nuptials?  Oh dear me, I hope not.

Off to play in the sunshine with one of my old high school pals....catch ya later, pies!

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