
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Chocolate Rx

Hello friends!  Sorry for the 'tude yesterday.  It just, for lack of a better word, sucked big time.  It hit from all sides-work, family, hubster, the general population.....ugh.  Which perpetuated to me, and resulted in kicking the $hit out of my tae bo video (excellent cross training, I don't care if it's considered a shot outta the '80s), some wonderful must see TV crap (I'm gonna split you like a log!).  And, of course, chocolate.  Good for my tush?  No.  Good for my soul?  Sometimes.  Taste good?  Um, yes.  How bout a compromise?

Chocolate RX Brownies

I sorta feel like a turd for even writing directions.  But maybe some of you live under rock and haven't heard of this method. :-P).  Super simple.....One box devil's food cake mix.  One 15 ounce can pumpkin.  Vanilla (optional).  Mix mix mix.  Pour in your (sprayed) Christmas mini cake pans to atone for being a Grinch yesterday.   Bake at 350 for 18-20 minutes or until set.  Cool 10 minutes, then shake em out.  Makes 1 dozen generous holiday brownies at 3 WW points of 150 calories each.

Today is a much better day than yesterday.  In part because I am an optimist and the grouches aren't out.  But mostly because....I have leftover brownies.  Priorities, people.

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