
Monday, September 19, 2011

The Pen is Mightier

And Monday it is.  At least it's a short work week for me...just two days!  (Don't hate, please).  Of course, I suspect all of my clients KNOW this, thus I ran around like a fool today, but at least the day went by quickly, right? :-)

5 days.  I knew you were worried I forgot to mention it.  It's ok, I'm on it.  And to add to the mix, 5 days means now that I can stalk every hour day to check on the forcasted weather for Saturday.  Right now, the weather gods are smiling:
Actually, it is forcasted as sunny and 72-I'm not kidding about that.  But I know enough about weather "future casts" to determine that the weather could be anywhere from gorgeous to Lake Placid circa 2008, when it was basically a day-long deluge (please, weather gods, don't hate on me that much.  I beg you!)
Moving along.  It was a crap morning, to be honest with you.  I woke up with a sore throat, sore knee, aching head, and feeling crappy.  I didn't want to go to work.  I'm becoming increasingly nervous about this silly taper that is kicking my booty and I did NOT want to go to work.  pfft.
But go to work I did.  And I logged onto my email and had my day made by a sweet friend who gave me some positive feedback that I really, really needed.  A breath of fresh air.  I Still feel like crap, but sometimes a smile is all it takes to give your day a new tone, right?  Right!  Remember-the Pen is mightier than the sword-sometimes a nice word to someone really can make their day.  Sean Connery would agree.

The question is..."DOES IT WORK, MAN?"
Why yes, I'll take a dozen :-D

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy!! Im feeling you with the sniffles! Extra Vit C right now!!! OMG! You are almost there! I cannot wait to read about your race!
