
Thursday, August 18, 2011


It's Thursday already?  No way!!  I'm pretty sure that somewhere in the midst of my crazy life this week, someone came in and stole some hours from me.  I can't prove it, but I'm onto you, psycho time stealer.  Just wait.

So, needless to say, my mega volume week has pretty much chewed me out and spit me up...and I haven't even hit the big days yet-YIKES!!  Of course, I blame life a little bit....between work and things other than training, it seems this has been with the week for crisis.  Such is life.  Will someone pay me please to just train and compete?  Oh, wait, I have to be super fast in order to do that?  Double darn.  Back to the drawing board :-)

Double workout on the books today-an early swim and then some speed work for the run.  2.4 mile swim-check.  Mile repeats on hilly terrain?  Double check. 

So, it's one day at a time.  Keeping myself in healthy eats, decent quality sleep, and trying to stretch.  (No, I did NOT eat all the food pictured and stayed away from the bagels :-P) One foot in front of the other.  I'm at that point in training where I still am very much into it, but very physically worn.  I was beating myself up about it a bit, then realized *hello* my last rest week was the week before 4th of July!  Hello crazy training!!  And that rest week involved two sleepless nights and 1700 miles on the road...and a wedding :-)  (totally worth it.  Just not so much a rest week).  So, Rae, final push.  4 more days, then it's time for some quality recovery, and Ironman is on the horizon!  I can feel it.  Taste it.  Just need to finish getting my ducks in a row.

(Clearly, my lack of humor is still in good form, no?)

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