
Saturday, February 19, 2011

To run or not to run?

That is the question, folks. 

My marathon is just 35 days away...5 short weeks (not that I'm counting or anything.)  I'm pretty amped about this race, especially since all of my long runs and about half my tempos have been done in the dead of winter through ice and snow and bitter cold.  And thats pretty good for me, seeing as I am wicked sensitive to the cold (I have Raynauds pretty bad...Ive been known to have dead white fingers coming out of the water in a tri in August.  Seriously.)  The rest of the tempos and speedwork have been on the treadmill, which really, for the most part, haven't been too bad.  Except when I tried to do 13 miles.  That was just sadistic and wrong.

I've been holding my paces really well, in some cases, even going too fast.  (I'm working on it).  So whats the problem?  Well, my runs feel great, but I don't.  I'm tired, achy (may be just a little cold) and am gettin some "niggles" (which, in case you don't know, are my very scientific term for not injuries but twinges.  I don't get them while working out, just random mornings getting out of bed or at night sometimes.)  Foam rolling helps.  And I'm really trying to pay attention to quality foods and plenty of fluids.  I'm sure part of it is the weather.

So for the last 5 weeks, we have, as always 3 runs per week.  The First plan has been great, although because there are only 3 runs (and 3 days of cross training) per week, there arent any slow or recovery runs.  Long runs are done maybe 10 seconds below MP, which is pretty fast.  The next 5 weeks for long runs  are:
20 miles (tomorrow)
15 miles
20 miles
15 miles
10 miles

So I want to know from all the runners out there (please help me!)  What are your thoughts on the 20 miler?  Do I need two?  I would love to get some sort of positive feeling from at least one that I am on track and can sustain my pace for that long (which I did for my 18 miler two weeks ago) but I don't want to get injured, burned out, or just plain run in the damn tornado we've been having in Upstate NY this weekend.  Another concern about this program is I'e been running long every weekend since I started in the last week in December (the shortest run has been 13 miles a.k.a no recovery weekends from running.)
Help, friends!  I just want to make sure I end up finishing my marathon looking like this:

Mile 15 of IMLP
And not like this. 


1 comment:

  1. No.. You do not need 2. Again, I'm no triathlete but my thoughts are that the season is early for you (with additional weather related hardships) and following what your body tells you is so important to avoid injury. You have posted enough for me to know you have that "something special" when it comes to finishing. I guess what I am saying is let your body determine the intensity and length of any workout. Come race day given your workout regularity you'll be ready. It's just as important not to feel drained like you have been recently on race day. I'd bet money that you could taper now and run that marathon in a week. I doubt you are running just to finish though!! Still... two 20's seems like overkill.
