
Friday, February 25, 2011

Its that time again!

FRRRRRIDAY!!  And although it may seem like spring is getting here, good ole western NY decided that Friday is as good as any a day for a nice snowstorm/blizzard.  I'm not a fan, but as long as they clean up the roads and my knee cleans up it's act for tomorrow, I wont complain.  much.

I'm really getting into Friday being my weekly "top ten" post, mostly because I'm too lazy on Fridays I know you all love insight into what makes me tick.  So without further ado, I give you this weeks "10".....

Confessions of a Triathlete, part II

1.  I hate rest weeks.  alot.  Especially unplanned ones.

2.  I've been known to post to tri forums during down times at work.  Today, my husband caught me.  and posted about it.  oops.

3.  I watched this video on YouTube yesterday,  followed by this one.  They inspired the hell out of my to do another Ironman.  Stat.  What is wrong with me?

4.  I have a 3 hour trainer ride on tap this weekend and I'm really excited about it.  I get to watch madness.  I get to test my speed. I get to eat buttered popcorn jelly beans for fun for fuel and feel virtuous about it.   I get to be warm.  Whats not to love?

5.  If its in the mid twenties and doesn't snow TOO MUCH on Saturday, I will call that "great weather" for a run.  Eric Malone would probably disagree....he likes snowstorms.

6.  I went to Target after work today to buy myself a treat.  I walked out with bright yellow nail polish to make my toes pretty and happy during my next long swim.  I need help.

7. I won't spend more than twenty bucks on a pair of jeans, but I will spend double on a pair of socks.  Especially if they're pink. 

8.  I'm super proud of my permanent racerback tan lines....even in my strapless wedding dress.

9.  It's Friday night....I'm wearing compression socks, making a play list for my long run tomorrow, and watching fringe.  I think that's a good time.  Especially if carb loading includes extra popcorn!

10.  29 days till my first big race of the season...and I can't wait to suffer for 4 hours while taking in the sights of DC.  Isn't that how normal tourists take in the sights?  No?....

That is all.

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